Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste
Limit of 25 gallons or 200 pounds per day on applicable days. Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) must be coming from your personal home, not a business.
Acceptable items include:
- Disinfectants and Cleaners
- Furniture Stripper & polish
- Aerosol Cans
- Household Batteries
- Pool Chemicals
- Pesticides & Fertilizers
- Oil & Latex Paint
- Engine Cleaners, Used Engine Oil, Transmission & Brake Fluid
- Non Narcotic Medications
- Gasoline (cannot be mixed with any additives)
For Hazardous Waste that does not meet our requirements,
Please contact Clean Earth at 360-750-8883
Helpful Tips for HHW Disposal
- Have all liquids in a container you can leave behind
- Do not mix different hazardous products
- Have all hazardous material in its original container
- *For used motor oil or antifreeze, you can use the original container if bringing it to the transfer station. If curbside, please pour into a clear 1 gallon jug and label what contents are inside.
- We do not accept explosives, fireworks, ammunition, radioactive material, etc.